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the Green Hackathon



Google Development Group (GDG)

The Google Developer Groups (GDG) is a global community of developers who are interested in Google technologies and platforms. GDG provides a platform for developers to learn, collaborate, and share knowledge about various Google products and services.


QUICKATON 2023 finished in style

A “Quickaton 2023” is an event or competition organized in 2023 that emphasizes speed and efficiency in completing a specific project.



A “Quickaton 2023” is an event or competition organized in 2023 that emphasizes speed and efficiency in completing a specific project.


Google Calendar RAT

Google Calendar RAT is a PoC of Command&Control (C2) over Google Calendar Events, This tool has been developed for those circumstances where it is difficult to create an entire red teaming infrastructure. To use GRC, only a Gmail account is required


social media security

The president of the national communication council said that they want content providers to be conscious of the fact that they are dealing with the public and that they have to moderate the information they send to social media

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