Academic Master in Cybersecurity and Cryptology

Academic Master in Cybersecurity and Cryptology


Course descriptions


In a context of globalization and information exchange marked by the use of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies), which implies the essential development of e-services (e-government, e-commerce, e-banking, e-learning....) via Internet and Telecommunications networks, it is essential to guarantee the security of information. Many companies and governments are involved. Cameroon for example has already identified ICT as a development tool and this is part of the “Document de Strategie de Reduction de la Pauvreté” and is implemented at the national level by ANTIC (Agence Nationale des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication). Also, to guarantee many security aspects of information and infrastructures, Cameroon must call for experts and foreign agencies because of the lack of highly skilled local experts. Recognizing that these security services which primarily include Privacy of communications, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation are provided by the Cryptology and Cybersecurity, it is time for Cameroon to develop outstanding training in this area, which will reduce the technological dependence of Cameroon while promoting the scientific development.


Objectives of the Program

The Master's program on Cryptology and Cybersecurity has a double specificity:  'mathematical' (academic) and 'computer' (professional).  The particularity of this specialization is to present both the mathematical aspects and practical aspects of Cryptology and Information Security. This training, therefore, has as its objective to give students simultaneously math skills necessary for mastery of the discipline, and algorithms and computer tools for applications in engineering professions in the field of Information Security.  Considering the various attacks and threats that society is undergoing in the digitalisation process,  another objective of this program is to train experts who can audit Information Systems,  search for vulnerabilities, and consolidate and secure network-facing intrusions. Obviously, all these techniques require a good knowledge of cryptology and the required mathematical concepts.

Employment Opportunities

A Master in Cryptology and Cybersecurity will lead its graduates to have jobs in various domains for various posts such as:

- Steering, organization and risk management (Information systems security manager, security correspondent, business continuity plan manager, etc.) 

- Project management and life cycle (Security Project Manager, Security Developer, Security Architect, ...) 

- Operation and maintenance in operational condition (System and network security administrator)

- Support and incident management (Operations and Information Security Analyst (SOC), 

- Incident Response Expert (CERT), ...) 

- Advice, audit, expertise (“organizational” and “technical” security consultant), 

- Cryptologist, security assessor, data protection officer (DPO), etc.

Admission Requirements

Besides the general University requirements, 

1- Applicants for the  Professional Master in Cybersecurity should be holders of a Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, or Bachelor of Science, in Computer Engineering or Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in Network and Telecommunications, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics (Electricity and Electronics), or any academic or professional training deemed equivalent.

2- Applicants for the Master of Science in Cryptology and Cybersecurity should be holders of a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics (Electricity and Electronics), or any Bachelor of Science with confirmed credits in Mathematics or Computer Science.


Graduation Requirements

To graduate with the Professional Master in Cybersecurity and the Master of Science in Cryptology and Cybersecurity, a student must earn a minimum of 120 credits. In addition, the student must earn a pass mark in the end-of-course project and internship for the professional master's.


Methods of Teaching

Lectures, tutorials, Seminars, laboratory sessions and industrial attachments.  The blended approach of face-to-face teaching, online and distance learning could also be used.  


Besides the general University requirements, 

1- Students for the  Professional Master in Cybersecurity: 550 000 F CFA per Year 

2- Students for the Master of Science in Cryptology and Cybersecurity: 50 000 F CFA per Year

All courses tution fees

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Programme info

  • Degree type Master
  • Duration 2 Years
  • Method On Campus
  • Campus University of Bamenda

Available options

  • Applied Cryptology and Cybersecurity
  • Embedded systems security and cryptology
  • Algebra, coding theory, cryptology and cybersecurity

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